Learning and Teaching


Curriculum Goals

The overall curriculum goals of the Mathematics Education Key Learning Area are to develop in students:

  • To develop students'ability to think critically and creatively, to conceptualise, inquire and reason mathematically, and to use mathematics to formulate and solve problems in daily life as well as in mathematical contexts and other disciplines

  • To develop students'ability to think critically and creatively, to conceptualise, inquire and reason mathematically, and to use mathematics to formulate and solve problems in daily life as well as in mathematical contexts and other disciplines

  • To develop students' ability to manipulate numbers, symbols and other mathematical objects;

  • To develop students' number sense, symbol sense, spatial sense, measurement sense and the capacity to appreciate structures and patterns; and to develop a positive attitude towards mathematics learning and an appreciation of the aesthetic nature and cultural aspect of mathematics.

Characteristics of our Mathematics Curriculum

  • Courses combined with life situations, allowing students to use knowledge to solve their problems
  • Emphasize a collaborative inquiry learning model, focusing on students construct knowledge from exploration and practice, students thinking, inquiry, communication, reasoning and creative arrange of appropriate and diverse learning activities, such as physical operations, problem solving, group discussions, with contextual learning, allowing students to master mathematical concepts and skills in the activitybilities

  • Emphasize the teaching of values ​​to establish a positive attitude of students

  • Arrange appropriate and diverse learning activities, such as physical operations, problem solving, group discussions, with contextual learning, allowing students to master mathematical concepts and skills through an activity

Subject Activities

Mathematics Day

This annually-held activity lets students enjoy the fun of Maths through a Maths Q&A competition, booth games or Maths wandering.

Think and Cheer

Students answer questions posted around the campus within a limited period of time. This is designed to develop students’ logical abilities and is held every month.


3. Speed Calculation Competition

This monthly in-class activity enables students to compete with one another, and strengthen their calculating and mental arithmetic abilities.

Resource website

小學數學網上練習 小學數學資源網站(新亞洲)  小學數學資源網站(名創教育)


Website suggested


位值Place Value 減法小遊戲Subtraction
貨幣換算Money Master 1 – 100 七巧板Tangram
數獨遊戲Sudoku 直線和曲線遊戲Lines 加法小遊戲Addition


數粒小玩意Addition  尋寶之旅Addition
數學火車站Addition 容量與體積Capacity and Volume  猜猜看(倍數)
質數餐 數學遊戲(數範疇) 數學詞彙庫 Vocabulary Word List


App Recommendations

Correct and Quick Arithmetic

10 Frame Fill Up to 100
分數Fractions 數學閃卡Operation 釘板Geoboard
數線Number Line Nonogram 數學之王
數學忍者Math Ninja 數獨 - 免費經典數獨謎題 恐龍數學
Math Club - Mathematics Game