Parent Information

Information for parents

Parent Seminar: Positive Education


A wave of positive education is sweeping across the world, becoming a hot topic in the educational community. But what exactly is positive education? Hong Kong Education City is excited to announce the upcoming Parent Seminar (2): Positive Education. This seminar will delve into the concept of positive education and share practical strategies to help parents understand their children's personalities. Attendees will learn how to apply positive education principles in daily life to foster positive thinking, enhance physical and mental well-being, and promote family harmony.


Event Details:

Date: November 30, 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Venue: Room 201, Hong Kong Education City, 5 Sha Kok Street, Sha Kok Estate, Sha Tin, New Territories
Language: Cantonese
Speaker: Representative from Hong Kong Education City


Registration for the seminar is now open! Click this link for registration. For any inquiries, please contact us via email at



“Embracing the e+ Internet Generation Parent Seminar (2): Healthy Internet Use Effective Use of Artificial Intelligence”

The Education Bureau, Hong Kong Education City, and Committee on Home-School Co-operation will co-organise the Embracing the e+ Internet Generation Parent Seminar (2): Healthy Internet Use  Effective Use of Artificial Intelligence”. The seminar will be held on 16 November 2024 from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm in webinar mode. Registration is now open (application deadline: 15 November 2024 5:00 pm). A project officer from the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article will provide advice to parents on helping their children safely surf the Internet and avoid accessing harmful online information. The Vice Principal of Chong Gene Hang College will present the applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in education to parents and offer practical advice on how they can help their children effectively use AI tools to enhance learning while avoiding excessive dependence on AI. Parents are cordially invited to join the seminar. For details, please refer to the website



For enquiries, please contact HKEdCity at 2624 1078 or email to /




“Smart Parent Net” Revamped Website

The Education Bureau (EDB) has launched the revamped “Smart Parent Net” one-stop parent education information website ( The revamped website has a renewed colour theme and outlook, as well as an enhanced categorisation of content, making it even more convenient for parents to get information relating to parent-child relationship, character development, parenting skills and emotional management of parents.
The main contents of the revamped “Smart Parent Net” website include:
  • Six key themes: providing comprehensive information catergorised under “Parent-child Relationship”, “Character Development”, “Education & Learning”, “Physical and Mental Health”, “Life Planning” and “Home-school Cooperation” thereby catering for the needs of different parents;
  • “Positive Parent Campaign” section: enabling parents with easier access to the articles, videos, information on activities and resources related to "Positive Parent Campaign";
  • Calendar: allowing parents to search for parent education courses or activities organised by EDB and navigate other important issues related to parent education; and
  • “Parent Education Activity Information Hub” section: allowing parents easy access to information on parent education courses and activities organised by other government departments and post-secondary institutions in Hong Kong.
We encourage all parents to navigate the “Smart Parent Net” website, follow its social media platforms, and subscribe to the e-newsletter through the below hyperlinks or QR codes to keep abreast on the latest development of parent education.


“Smart Parent Net” website

Subscription for the e-Newsletter
of the “Smart Parent Net”



“Smart Parent Net” website Facebook Page

“Smart Parent Net” website Instagram Page

“Smart Parent Net” website YouTube Channel




Parent Workshop


Parent Gatekeeper Training(Chinese version only)

Reference Materials

1. Net Smart Parent Net(Chinese only)


2. Types of Special Educational Needs Pamphlets

3. Safeguard Children's Mental Health - Prevent Youth Suicide




Useful Links for Parents


“Youth Development Blueprint #Youth” TV Promotional Programme
(10 episodes in total, around 3 minutes per episode; Cantonese version with Chinese subtitle)


“To Be Here, It’s Good” Interview Series
(9 episodes in total, around 5 minutes per episode; Cantonese version with Chinese and English subtitles)


“Let’s Talk About Hong Kong” Sharing Series
(9 episodes in total to be released in phases, around 25 minutes per episode; Cantonese version with Chinese subtitle)


One-stop student mental health information website, "Mental Student Mental Health Information Online


Net Smart Parent Net(Chinese only)---Education Bureau

Introduce Parent-child Relationship,haracter Development, een.


Parent Information(Chinese only)---Education Bureau


Committee on Home-School Co-operation

Introduce Parents’ Talks, Education & Parenting Information


Parents Academy---TWGHs

Provide E-learning about Relationship Building, Parent-child mini game, een.


Parenting Tips---Centre for Child and Family Science

Issue videos with different parenting skills demonstration


Parent Academy---HKedcity(Chinese only)

Release information about children's learning support, parenting and growth, children's school selection, etc.


Practical Resource Hub for Healthy Life